Children’s Sunday and the All-Church Picnic are on June 12!

Our Annual Children’s Sunday Worship Service will be held on Sunday, June 14 at the 10:00am service. Join us at this children-led service as we celebrate the Church School year and celebrate Rev. Laura Westby’s ministry on her last Sunday with us.

Plan to stay for the All-Church Picnic with games and the Cake Walk following the 10:00am worship service. Families with last names A-H please bring a salad, fruit, or side dish for 10; families with last names I-Z please bring dessert for 10.

Starting June 14, through September 6, we will be using our summer worship schedule with services at 8:00am in the Memorial Garden and 10:00am in the Meeting House.

Please Bake a Cake for our Annual Children’s Sunday Cake Walk

Anyone in the church can participate!

Pick up your cake box and instructions on Sunday, June 5 during Fellowship Hour or in the church office anytime during the week. Then, bring your cake to church on Sunday morning, June 12 before the 10:00am service and place on indicated tables near the front steps.

Cake walks work a bit like musical chairs, except players win cakes instead of getting eliminated (rules will be explained in full on June 12). The more cakes we have, the more winners there will be!

Thank you for helping us with this fun and beloved tradition. The kids love it!

Pembroke House Homestretch

Pivot Ministries is a rehabilitation center in Bridgeport for men recovering from drug and alcohol abuse. Pembroke House is a recently acquired property of Pivot Ministries which is slated for housing, and employment reintegration services. The church designated $ 35,000.00 from the 250th fund towards those renovations and committed volunteers have helped to do the building.

Join us to whip Pivot’s Pembroke House into shape for the Grand Opening, to which we are all invited.

Saturday, June 4:Work day, 9:00am Church Circle Departure

Saturday, June 11 Work day, 9:00am Church Circle Departure

Wednesday, June 15 Pembroke’s Grand Opening Celebration, 11:00am, on Pivot’s Bridgeport Campus, 495 Jane St.

More Mission:

6/16 – Pacific House, 4:30pm

6/18 – OG Summer Soiree, 6:30pm

6/21 – Open Door, 11:15am

Questions or to Signup: Marianna Kilbride at

Beacon of Light Dinner

We hope everyone will join us to celebrate our year in Youth Ministry at the Beacon of Light Dinner on Sunday, June 5 from 5:00-7:30pm at the Church. We will start with a worship service including photos, videos, and music from the Worship Team band. A fellowship dinner will follow with food catered from several area food trucks.

Please RSVP by May 27 to Tracy duPont if you will join us for dinner. Tickets are $20 for adults, $75 for a family of four, or $10 for additional family members and children 10 and under.

Please contact Tracy duPont with any questions at

Regarding Refugees: May 19, 7:30pm in the Parlor

Please join us for an informational evening, “Regarding Refugees”, on Thursday, May 19, at 7:30pm in the parlor. This panel discussion and Q&A, will be led by Claudia Connor, President and CEO of the International Institute of Connecticut (IICONN).

The evening’s panel will also include current members and former clients of the IICONN refugee mentor program. Founded in 1897, IICONN is the largest statewide refugee resettlement and immigration services in Connecticut and successfully resettles approximately 100 refugees to the Bridgeport area each year through the U.S. State Department refugee resettlement program. Find out more information at this engaging event on the global situation for refugees, how the resettlement process to third countries works, including to the United States, and what is happening on the ground in Connecticut.

This is also a great opportunity to find out more about IICONN, including its refugee mentor program, ESL and Citizenship classes, victims of human trafficking programs, and how you may become more involved in our local area.

Church member, non-profit consultant, and former IICONN Board Member, Whitney Ball, comments “Federal government services are short-term and intended to offer a minimal level of support to recently-arrived refugees. The longer-term success of refugee resettlement (for instance in cultural and financial literacy, job searches, and English language development) depends on the support of local individuals and organizations, such as churches and community groups.”

We hope you will join us for this important, timely event.

Mary Bradley Clarke Concert

The community is invited to a gala benefit concert offered at 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 14 at our churcvh. A festive reception in Smith Hall will follow after the concert, hosted by the Music Ministry Team. There is no admission charge for this event.

The program will include a lively variety of music that will entertain all ages and musical tastes. Broadway, opera, jazz, and popular repertoire will be presented by the Chancel Choir, its professional section leaders, and the Spirit Singers and Joyful Noise choirs. The benefit is now in its tenth year and is organized by director of music ministries Dr. Jo Deen Blaine Davis, who recently remarked, “This is a great way to enjoy fellowship and musical favorites, and to highlight the abundance of extraordinary local musical talent. It’s an evening that old and young alike will enjoy.”

Solos will be performed by the church’s professional section leaders Nancy Upton, Anne Maguire, Antonio Abate, Aram Tchobanian, Andy Berry, and Antonio Watts; some of whom have sung solo and title roles at The Metropolitan Opera and New York City Opera, as well as oratorio and solo work with orchestras and theater companies throughout the United States and Europe. Also included are sopranos Claire Stadtmueller and director of children’s music, Noëlle Francis.

This is a free concert, and all are welcome! A free-will offering will be taken, with proceeds benefiting the church’s Mary Bradley Clarke music fund, which was established in 1973 by the wife of former minister Rev. Merrill Fowler Clarke to provide singers and instrumentalists for special musical programs held at the church throughout the year. For more information please contact Dr. Davis at or (203)966-2651, x4.

Children’s Musical: Esther

Our children’s choirs have been working hard for months now to bring to our church a wonderful musical theater presentation featuring the story of Esther! They began by reading the book of Esther in the Bible, to consider the roles they might play.

Once casted, the children and their director Miss Noëlle began rehearsals and they are very excited to present and share with you what they’ve learned!

Please join us for our upcoming presentations of Esther the Musical, the story of a brave young woman chosen by God to save her people on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8 at the 9:30 and 11:15am services!

MSYG Car Wash

The MSYG Car Wash will be Saturday May 7 from 10:00am-4:00pm. All the money we raise will go toward the MSYG Mission Trip to Mountainside Treatment Center over Memorial Day weekend. There also will be a bake sale and Pivot will be selling flowers if you are in need of a last minute Mother’s Day gift!

Building with Bricks

MO-LogoBuy a brick, build a classroom.

A school that was founded some years ago when water from our pipeline reached this small village is thriving and expanding. To help, stop by the Maasai table at Fellowship Hour on Sundays between May 1 and June 12, or contact Marianna Kilbride at

Associate Minister Search Update

Dupee photo 1 - CopyThe Senior Minister and the Associate Minister Search Committee are excited to announce that we have nominated The Rev. Eric Dupee to be our Minister of Christian Formation.

Materials about Eric were mailed this week that describe his faith journey and how he will share his passions and strengths with our community on God’s Acre (click here for the call brochure). Eric and Chapin have known each other for a very long time, and both are eager to partner in ministry.

We hope you will join us for a time of conversation with Eric on Saturday, April 30 from 3:30-5:00pm in the Parlor.

He will preach a Call Sermon at our 9:30am service on Sunday, May 1, followed by a congregational meeting and a vote to officially call the Rev. Eric Dupee to be our Minister of Christian Formation.

We look forward to your meeting Eric and know you will share our joy of the possibility of his joining Chapin in ministry on God’s Acre.

Easter Egg Hunt on March 20

The Children and Family Ministry Team invites you and your family to our Second Annual Easter Egg Hunt and lunch on Palm Sunday, March 20 from 1:00 – 3:00pm in Smith Hall.

We’ll all enjoy fried chicken, pasta salad, biscuits and corn on the cob together and hunt eggs in three different age groups.

Please bring $20/family to cover the event and a non-perishable item for the New Canaan Food Pantry.  This is a favorite event not to be missed!

Living Last Supper Worship and Dinner

On Maundy Thursday, March 24, all members of the youth ministries community and their families are invited to partner with the Children and Families Ministry team for an evening of worship and fellowship.

Maundy Thursday will give us a chance to participate in a Living Last Supper, share in a worship experience, and enjoy an eastern inspired meal.

Join us at 6:00pm in the Meeting House and stay for dinner. All are welcome!