Spiritual Formation
Spiritual formation never ends. It becomes richer and more vibrant with our increased participation in activities that stretch our minds and our souls. Our adult education offerings hope to do that.
Monday Bible Studies
(7:00-8:00am, Library and Women’s 9:15-10:15am, Library)
We typically use the Yale Divinity School Bible Study series. Each course is a 6–8-week study of a biblical book, deepened by insights from Yale Divinity School professors. The discussions are deep and lively and relational. Both groups are available on Zoom.
The Yale materials form an accessible, free, and deeply thoughtful group Bible study program. Click here to review the courses available. No experience or background is needed. The groups include those both new to the Bible and longtime Bible study participants.
For more information, please contact Marianna Kilbride, marianna@godsacre.org.
Wednesday Bible Study with Chapin
(9:30-11:00am, Library)
Each Wednesday this group reads and discusses with Chapin the scripture to be preached two Sundays out. That discussion then informs the direction the sermon takes. The conversation is rich and insightful. A Zoom option is available.
For more information, please contact Chapin Garner, pastor@godsacre.org.
Merton and Friends
Fridays (8:00-9:00am, Zoom) This group, inspired first by the Trappist Monk Thomas Merton’s works, reads and discusses spiritual or theological writings. Authors studied have included Merton, Richard Rohr, Henri Nowen, and Hildegarde of Bingen. Participants find enormous spiritual growth by engaging with the work of these faith leaders.
For more information, please contact Marianna Kilbride, marianna@godsacre.org.
Adult Confirmation
Adult Confirmation is a curriculum developed by Chapin for adults who are invited to spend twelve Sundays reading and discussing scripture, faith themes, and faith questions with church friends, just like our younger confirmands. Prayer, resurrection, worship, and sacraments are explored before writing your own statement of faith. Whether brand new to faith or reaffirming a long-held one, join Chapin and Marianna to engage in your faith with your church family. A Zoom link will be available upon request.
For questions or to sign up, contact Chapin Garner, pastor@godsacre.org.
Small Groups
Small Groups within our church are essential to deepening our engagement with others and growing in our faith. Join a small group to grow closer to God and to engage in fellowship, study, and prayer with others. Small groups meet monthly during the program year. If you would like to be a part of this growing ministry, please contact a group leader.
For Men’s Small Groups contact Steve Case scase135@outlook.com.
For Women’s Small Groups please contact Marianna Kilbride, marianna@godsacre.org.
Special Programs
Throughout the program year there are special offerings such as writing workshops, quest speakers, ministry chats with guest preachers, and topical series or seminars. Watch for monthly and weekly publicity for information and to sign u
The Fellowship Ministry Team promotes Christian fellowship among our members, through weekly interaction at the Fellowship Hour following the Sunday morning 10:00am worship service and numerous planned social events throughout the year. The Fellowship Ministry Team coordinates fun events such as the Kickoff Brunch, Children’s Sunday Picnic, Fall Fellowship Party, Paddle Tennis Chili Party, and Spring Gathering.

Yale Bible Studies
For many years, our congregation has partnered with Yale Divinity School to create the Yale Divinity School Bible Study series. Each course is an 8-week study of a biblical book, deepened by insights from Yale Divinity School professors.
These materials form an accessible, free, and deeply thoughtful group Bible study program. Click here to review the courses available.
For more information, please contact Laurel Carr.
Available Yale Divinity School Bible Studies
Old Testament
The Books of Samuel
Second Isaiah
The Book of Daniel
Reading The Bible
Formation of the Biblical Canon
Reformation History
New Testament
The Gospel of Matthew
The Gospel of Mark
The Gospel of Luke
The Gospel of John
The Acts of the Apostles
First Corinthians
Second Corinthians
Galatians and Philippians
Thessalonians 1 and 2

For More Information
Marianna Kilbride
Director of Spiritual Formation
(203) 966-2651, x105
The Rev. Dr. Stephen Chapin Garner
Senior Minister
(203) 966-2651, x101