July Dinners for Pivot


Our friends at Pivot continue to be food challenged as a result of the pandemic.

Their main source of food, the Connecticut Food Bank, is not a reliable source of healthy and varied dietary options. If you can cook and deliver a dinner to Pivot this month, please follow this link to their meal train.

If you would like to stay and serve that dinner, or visit Pivot for a lunch, contact Mary Aly, maryaly@pivotministries.org.

Art and Faith Reflection: Continuing The Conversation

On April 18 some of us got together to reflect on the intersection of Art and FaithA link to that taped conversation is below. We talked with visual artist Stephanie Joyce and scholar and author Josef Sorett. Their respective websites and some books that inspire us are below. We also brainstormed together on our own experiences of art and faith and ways to more deeply engage with this relationship in our church. We plan to meet again on August 22 to see what has bubbled up in our imaginations.

If you would like to be a part of this dialog or have questions, please contact Marianna Kilbride, marianna@godsacre.org.

The Recording from the Event
Passcode: 21ob&6p@

Stephanie Joyce’s Website

Josef Sorett’s website

Book List

Angelic Mistakes: The Art of Thomas Merton Roger Lipsey

Art and Faith: A theology of Making Makoto Fujimura

Spirit in the Dark: A Religious History of Racial Aesthetic Josef Sorett


YG Beacon Of Light Celebration


YG Families:

Join us Thursday, June 3 as we celebrate all that God made possible in the lives of our High School YG Fish at our Beacon of Light Celebration from 6:00-8:00pm. We hope you and your entire family will join us on the church grounds!

Please purchase your tickets as soon as possible so we can prepare accordingly. Tickets are $20.00 per person for dinner and dessert!

Click here to register online for our Beacon of Light Dinner! (NOTE: only credit card/debit card payments will be accepted this year.)

Questions? Contact Kelly Antonson, leather@godsacre.org or Erik Burns, burns@godsacre.org.

Caroline Ainsworth Hughes’ Ordination

Wilton Congregational Church invites you to join with us in celebrating the Ordination and Installation ceremony of Caroline Ainsworth Hughes.

Sunday, November 22, 2020, at 2:00pm
70 Ridgefield Road
Wilton, CT 06897

Please RSVP here to attend in-person.
The service will also be live streamed, check the WCC YouTube page.
COVID protocols and safety measures followed.

Any Questions call 203-762-5591 or email Coleen at coleen@wiltoncongregational.org

Clergy Members are invited to robe with red stoles.

Trunk or Treat
on God’s Acre

Join us as we celebrate Halloween distance-style! 

Dress up in your creative best,
We’re setting up for a Halloween fest,
YGers will set the scene,
We promise to keep our event distanced and clean,
Likely we don’t need to ask,
But please remember to wear a mask!


Trunk-or-Treat on God’s Acre!

Sunday, October 25th 4:30-5:30pm
Children Preschool-6th Grade
Parents must remain with their children
4:30-5:00pm Last names A-L
5:00-5:30pm Last names L-Z

Church Family Movie

Click here to enjoy this beautiful video collection of our church family. Thank you to everyone who sent in videos and to The Plum Family for this special Easter treat!

Our scrapbook can continue to grow Amy Plum is still accepting photos and videos, and we look forward to sharing it again in coming weeks.

Tenebrae Service

Tenebrae is an ancient service of Shadows and Light that dramatizes the departure and desertion of Jesus’ disciples shortly after their Last Supper.

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