Middle School Youth Group (“MSYG”) is our exciting and meaningful ministry for older middle school students. We invite all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders to join.
MSYG usually meets Sunday afternoon during the school year from 4:00-5:30pm. We have a variety of activities throughout the year, including games, service projects, scavenger hunts, an overnight lock-in, a ski trip, and the Gross Out Games (think of it as the world’s biggest food fight). We also concentrate on deepening our relationship with God through worship or spiritual discussions.
In addition, we answer God’s call to serve others. This includes collecting and wrapping Christmas presents for the needy and making meals for soup kitchens. One of the highlights of the MSYG year is the Mission Trip to the Mountainside Treatment Center. This 3-day trip engages the youth in exploration of their faith as they work to restore and improve the Mountainside facility alongside selected residents in recovery.

Grade 6-8
For More Information
Allison Wolter
Administrative Assistant for Youth
(203) 966-2651 x114

Grade K-1

Grade 2-3

Grade 4-5

Grade 6-8

Youth Group
Grade 9 - 12

Grade 9-12
Church School

Youth Mission Trips

Confirmation Class

Church School

Youth Mission Trips

Confirmation Class

Youth Mission Trips

Confirmation Class