Join us on January 27, to begin with the magisterial six-day creation through Adam and Eve, the flood, the sacrifice of Isaac, and the Joseph story.
Continue readingThe Intersection Between Mental Health and Faith
Join us for a new bible study to explore mental health through a Christian lens from 8:15-9:30am every other Thursday, in the Library or on Zoom, beginning October 17.
Continue readingNext Station to Heaven Podcast
We will formally launch our new podcast, Next Station to Heaven, on Monday, June 3.
Continue readingLisa Miller Event “The Spiritual Child”
We are thrilled to have with us New York Times Bestselling author Dr. Lisa Miller, who will be speaking about her book The Spiritual Child.
Continue readingThe Parables Greatest Hits Bible Study
Join us for the Greatest Parable Hits Series beginning April 15. The parables are Jesus’ most often used teaching tool, simple but clever and powerful stories to illustrate a greater truth or spiritual and moral lesson.
Continue readingVacation Bible School 2024
We are excited to return with another fun-filled week of Vacation Bible School this summer. VBS 2024: Carrying the Torch will explore bible stories about light and spreading God’s abundant love through a summer Olympics theme.
Continue readingSpring New Member Class
Interested in joining our family of faith? Attend our new member sessions this spring.
Continue readingThe Exploration of the Neuroscience of Spirituality
We are thrilled to have with us New York Times Bestselling author Dr. Lisa Miller, who will be speaking about her book The Awakened Brain.
Continue readingThis I Believe Lenten Workshop
Join us on March 22, 29, and April 5 from 7:00-8:00pm in the Library to read, write, listen, reflect, create a dialog with one another, and share stories of meaning.
Continue readingJ-Term – Colossians Study
If you’ve never done Bible study, now is the perfect time to try a two-week winter term study.
Continue readingThis I Believe Workshop – Gratitude
Join us on October 26, November 2, and November 9 from 7:00-8:00pm to read, write, listen, reflect, create a dialog with one another and share stories of meaning.
Continue readingGod’s Acre on the Go
Listen to our weekly podcast!
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