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Church School

We welcome children of all ages and developmental stages to learn with us as we explore faith. Children are a cherished part of our church family, and their energetic spirit and startling honesty are some of the most precious parts of our worship together before they depart each week for Church School. We offer a comprehensive Church School program for children ages 3 through 7th grade each Sunday from September through mid-June. Our curriculum, Sparkhouse, is a bible-centered program that gives the children further insight into Scripture and how God is active at this stage in their lives. We integrate hands-on activities, music, games, and short videos to provide a welcoming learning environment.
On holidays and the first Sunday of each month, children enjoy Church School as a combined group in our Chapel. This provides special time to delve deeper into a theological story or season in the life of the church. On most Sundays, children are broken out into classrooms by age: Pre-K and K, 1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 5th, and 6th and 7th. Often, our high school students are invited to assist the children in Church School as well.
All of our classrooms are team-taught by a group of dedicated educators and volunteers, allowing for a very personalized and thoughtful classroom experience!
Church School Schedule 
Church School is offered every Sunday from September to mid-June.
Special Programs

Our church school year really kicks-off at the end of the summer when we meet for a week for Vacation Bible School. We provide four fun-filled days of spiritual formation, learning, play, crafting, singing and fellowship! 

Special Sunday events include: 
•  Blessing of the Backpacks
•  Sneaker service project, 
•  Thanksgiving service project
•  Advent Fair,
•  Our beloved Christmas Pageant
•  Souperbowl Sunday
•  Lent – Stations of the Cross
•. Easter Eggstravaganza
•  Children’s Celebration Sunday Picnic. 

Monthly, we offer family fellowship events including playground pizza meet-ups, a Halloween party, Bingo Night, family service projects, and more. 
Throughout our church school year, children work in class and in worship to attain special “spiritual milestones” to benchmark their faith formation and journey. Some of these spiritual milestones include learning essential components of our worship service like The Lord’s Prayer, The Doxology, The Call to Worship and the Benediction, memorizing scripture, the presentation of the third-grade bibles, the fourth-grade communion worship, and eight grade confirmation. 

Our Church School Teaching Team
Our Church School teaching team is made up of educators, parents, teens, and other adults from our congregation who have a call to serve children. We encourage all generations of our congregation to be actively involved in Christian Education.  Church School teachers are mentors, friends, and faith-models for the children of the church.  Anyone interested in teaching should reach out to Lindsey at

For More Information

Sarah Haddad
(203) 966-2651, x113

Lindsey Daly
Director of Children’s Ministries
(203) 966-2651 x112

Children’s Music and Drama

One of the best ways to nurture a child’s life is through music, and our church has a musical outlet for all ages! Even if your child isn’t necessarily “musically inclined,” participating in worship through choir builds not only a child’s musical skills but helps them connect with the spiritual teaching from church school. If you are interested in participating or want to register for our wonderful children’s choirs, please reach out to Greer Lyle at

We have a robust program schedule for Children’s Music and Drama planned for this coming season. We look forward to all the children joining us as we sing together.
To register, fill out a form online, click here grab a paper form from Smith Hall. All choirs will follow the New Canaan Public School guidelines to ensure that children will stay safe and healthy.
Age Three – Five. Tuesdays, 3:00pm – 3:30pm
Cherubs are introduced to basic music concepts, develop musical skills for the voice, and are introduced to percussion instruments through rhythm and dance. Cherubs sing in the worship services occasionally and participate in the annual children’s musical.

Spirit Singers
Grades K – 2. Tuesdays, 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Spirit Singers continue building good vocal and rhythmic skills and sing both contemporary and traditional repertoire with Christian emphasis. Spirit Singers sing an opening hymn on the first Sunday of the month and preludes or anthems during the program year. They participate in the Mary Bradley Clarke Benefit Concert and present a musical each year. Spirit Singers enjoy outreach by singing twice a year at The New Canaan Inn.

Joyful Noise 
Grades 3 – 4. Tuesdays, 4:30pm – 5:30pm
Joyful Noise sings regularly and leads in service anthems with the Chancel Choir or Spirit Singers as well as solos and small ensembles. The Christian emphasis continues in our repertoire where we fine tune musical skills, vocal production, musical reading, rhythm advancement, and instrumental knowledge through contemporary and traditional pieces. Joyful Noise sings twice a year at The New Canaan Inn, participates in the Mary Bradley Clarke Benefit Concert, and has significant leadership roles in the spring musical.

Junior Worship Team
Grades 5 – 8. Select Sundays at 11:15am
The Junior Worship Team is a great way for kids to continue being musically involved in the church and helps them prepare for when they’re ready to contribute and lead praise and worship in youth group. The Junior Worship Team meets once a month and sings regular engagements with both the adult choir, children’s choir, and on their own. This year, we are going to focus on the concept of worship, and how it enriches our spiritual lives. We are also going to focus on how the act of freely offering oneself in service affects our own worship and praise to God. This year, the Junior Worship Team will join the Chancel Choir for the Lessons and Carols service and Mary Bradley Clarke Benefit Concert. 

Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be held on Sunday, March 2, at 11:15am in the Meeting House.

Associate Minister Search

The Associate Minister search team will host sessions for church members interested in discussing the Associate Minister role.

Sole Safari

Our Maasai brothers and sisters have requested sneakers for over 100 girls living in The Beloved Daughters of the Maasai Rescue Center.

Souper Bowl Sunday Food Drive

Midwinter is a time of increased need at homeless shelters. Join us for a special Souper Bowl Sunday on February 9.