YG Mission Trips
The YG mission trip (for grades 9-12) is a balance of hard work and fun designed to bring a ministry of love to those in need. The program includes group work projects, meaningful interactions with community members, prayer, vespers, and worship. Participants leave our trip with a changed perspective on their world and a better understanding of the difficulties faced by those who suffer the burdens of poverty, disability and neglect. The YG mission trip takes place over 10 days during the New Canaan public school’s winter vacation.
Other Youth Trips
JYG, MSYG, and Quest each have a Mission Trip experiences throughout the year. JYG (grades 4-5) has an overnight trip in the spring, MSYG (grades 6-8) goes to Mountainside for three days each May, and Quest (grades 9-12) goes on a Mission Trip for more than a week at the end of the school year. For more information, please contact the church office at (203)966-2651.
Adult Mission Trips
Each year since 2003, a group of adults from our congregation have embarked on mission trips to a variety of locations including: Exuma, Bahamas; Mobile, Alabama; the rift Valley, Kenya; San Antonio, Texas; Chacraseca, Nicaragua, and San Juan, Puerto Rico. The trips, typically held over one week in the spring, include various construction, renovation, cultural and relational projects. The love of God and one another is apparent on each trip, as our friendships grow stronger through service to others. For more information, please contact Marianna Kilbride, marianna@godsacre.org.

For More Information
Marianna Kilbride
Director of Missions and Outreach
(203) 966-2651, x105