Classes for Stephen Ministry will begin this fall. Please give some thought to whether you would like to be part of this training. Classes will be held on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-9:00pm, beginning September 20, and will meet from September through January.

Stephen Ministry Training is a wonderful, comprehensive program for anyone interested in becoming more involved in our church community. Stephen Ministers are thoroughly trained to offer one-on-one lay Christian care. The training is also helpful in a broader context: for family interactions, if you are a caregiver, and even in work situations.

Please contact any any of the Stephen Leaders with questions about Stephen Ministry: Beth Baker: (203)554-4736 Jim Cole: (203)934-9405 Avril Sweeny: (203)966-4597 Cindy Ziegler: (203)962-3325 or contact Debbie Chapman in the Church Office: (203)966-2651, x831.