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New Playground – Coming Soon

New Playground - Coming Soon

Will you help build the future?

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” – Matthew 19:14

Following in Jesus’ footsteps our congregation has a long history of celebrating and loving all of God’s children. On God’s Acre we seek to foster a community in which children can come and know the love of God. Over the years a strong foundation has been laid by our congregation by investing in and providing exceptional children and youth offerings. Through our various programs the faith of children flourishes here and, so too, do their relationships with peers and Christ.

With an influx of new families who have recently moved to town we began to wonder if we could offer even more than just exceptional programs. After a few meetings with a handful of parents we learned of the need for a gathering place beyond the crowded town parks to play. We took time this year to explore the possibility of updating our playground. The trustees of the Congregational Church of New Canaan are pleased to have approved a state of the art, exciting, and beautiful new playground to be built in place of the current structure! The playground is designed by O’Brien and Sons, based out of Medway, Massachusetts. O’Brien and Sons was also responsible for the design and construction of the toddler play space at Mead Park – a popular destination for the many families who have moved to New Canaan.

We hope you are as excited about this capital improvement as we are. When we ask the grown children of our congregation to share happy memories of their time with our church, playing on the playground after church school has always been a top highlight! Our hope is for this new generation playing on the playground at church will be part of their daily routine allowing them to grow more comfortable with being at church each year. Whether your family is just growing, or you are now bringing your grandchildren with you on Sunday – we ask that you join with us in continuing to build toward the future.

Will you help us provide for the children and future generations of our church?

Levels of Giving:

Stepping Stone – $20-$500
Building Block – $500-$1000
Foundation Stone – $1000-$2000
Cornerstone – $2000 or above