Movies for a Mission
Movies for a Mission! Support the YG Mission Trip and have a night out!
Save the Date for Kid’s Night at the Church and Parent’s Night Out in 2024!
Youth Ministries and Children and Family Ministries invite you to participate in this brand-new high school mission trip fundraiser. High School YGers will host Movies for a Mission- a fun-filled kid’s night featuring movies, crafts, and snacks/dinner at the church. We invite you to drop off some or all of your children at church on Saturday, February 3 to enjoy a date night/solo time/one-on-one kid time/etc.
They will be well cared for by YG kids and advisors and enjoy fellowship with other church kids. We will ask for a minimum $25 contribution per family for each date, and ALL proceeds will go towards the YG February Mission Trip.
To sign up, Click Here!
Saturday, February 3, 2024 5:00-7:00pm