Sunday, October 25
TRUNK OR TREAT – YGers should arrive to decorate at 3:30pm. Our event runs until 5:30pm! Don’t forget your decorating materials!
YG Cohort 1: Meet in front of Church on God’s Acre
YG Cohort 2: Meet in back of Church in parking lot
Monday, October 26
MSYG Fall Super Day
7th & 8th Grades: 5:00 – 6:30pm (DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP at Nature Center)Tuesday, October 27
K, 1st, & 2nd Grades: 4:00 – 5:00pm
Quest (High School): 8:00-9:00pm at church
Wednesday, October 28
5th Grade: 1:00 – 2:30pm – cancelled
3rd & 4th Grades: 3:00 – 4:30pm – cancelled
6th Grade: 5:00 – 6:30pm – cancelled
Due to the inclement weather and an unexpected, but necessary heat installation that will be happening in our tent today we will not be having programming this afternoon. With the weather getting colder we find it important to heat the youth tent to ensure our kids won’t unnecessarily become sick. We look forward to seeing your children next Tuesday for Election Day Spectacular! |