Confirmation is a process whereby a young person begins to discern if they want to follow Jesus as a Christian and become a member of the church. For children who have been baptized as infants, their parents have taken vows before God and a congregation to raise their children in the life of the church so that one day those children might choose for themselves to follow Jesus. Confirmation is the time the church dedicates to helping parents and children make a thoughtful decision about their faith.
We realize that there are varying degrees of commitment to the baptismal vows parents make on behalf of their children. Some families steep their children in the activities of our church, while others have had only limited connection to our community during their child’s formative years. Our church is committed to helping every youth make a faithful and informed decision about undertaking the Confirmation process regardless of their involvement in the life of the church to date.
Because it is impossible to fit twelve or thirteen years of faith formation into a single, year-long program, we emphasize establishing a regular, ongoing faith practice, as well as holding classes to impart faith content to our youth. A teenager participating in our Confirmation program will engage in twelve class sessions that focus on core Christian beliefs, while also regularly participating in Bible study, worship, youth group, and service opportunities. We take the Confirmation process very seriously at our church, and as a result our program is quite rigorous. While eighth grade is the traditional year for a student to make their Confirmation, our church offers a program for eighth graders as well as an option for high school students. This allows youth and their families the opportunity to choose an appropriate time to explore and perhaps affirm their baptismal vows in the Rite of Confirmation. If you desire to have your children confirmed into the Christian faith, we look forward to partnering with you in that holy adventure.

For More Information
Sarah Haddad
Church School Coordinator
(203) 966-2651, x113
“It is through confirmation that I have come to understand the Holy Spirit and its significance. Also, I grasped what it means to me. The irony is that I have known the Doxology since 3rd grade but never completely understood it until now. The ending line is “Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost”. I came to the realization that the Holy Spirit lives in all of us and urges us to act like Jesus did.”
– Amanda Hall, Confirmation Class of 2016

Grade K-1

Grade 2-3

Grade 4-5

Grade 6-8

Youth Group
Grade 9 - 12

Grade 9-12
Church School

Youth Mission Trips

Confirmation Class

Church School

Youth Mission Trips

Confirmation Class

Youth Mission Trips

Confirmation Class