Read: Acts 23:12–22
Now the son of Paul’s sister heard about the ambush; so he went and gained entrance to the barracks and told Paul. Acts 23:16
According to the story of Acts, it was God’s desire to use Paul to bring the good news to the Gentiles, and Paul knew that the seat of power for the Gentiles was Rome. Rome was the mission. To preach before Caesar was the goal. To take the good news to the heart of the empire was the plan. Political posturing, evil plotting, and even court proceedings cannot get in the way of God’s plan. When God’s will needs to be accomplished, the most unlikely of characters can get swept up in the drama even if unwittingly so.
When you gain clarity about God’s mission and purpose for your life, you begin to see that no power in heaven or on earth will be able to stand in the way of God’s aims. God’s will cannot be thwarted—even people who have no interest in God are employed to carry out divine initiatives!
What mission God is calling you to today?
Lord, life becomes more clear when I am trying to align my life with Your will. This doesn’t mean that life gets easier, it just means that clarity often comes with call. Though impressive obstacles may seem to be arrayed against Your will, you provide a way forward. Even enemies prove to be aids. You win. That is the story. You win. In Jesus’ name, I pray. AMEN.