Read: Luke 5:1–11
Jesus got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little way from the shore. Luke 5:3
Simon Peter and Andrew had been out fishing all night long and had caught nothing. They were tired, frustrated, and concerned they wouldn’t be able to feed their families. What they were doing wasn’t working for them, and then, into their boat stepped Jesus. Jesus asked to take a boat ride—likely the last thing Peter wanted to do after a long and disappointing night of work—a most unwelcome interruption! By the end of the boat trip Peter had a huge catch of fish and a new vocation—he became a disciple of Jesus Christ, and he would go on to be one of the most important Christian leaders of all time.
What do you do when things are not working out as you had hoped? What do you do when the dream job turns out to be a nightmare? What do you do when you start feeling that your Mr. or Mrs. Right has, over the years, devolved into Mr. or Mrs. Wrong? What do you do when the retirement you worked your whole life to get to has you bitter and bored? Like Peter, you need to welcome interruptions. An interruption may be Jesus trying to get into your boat. You need to be willing to do the unconventional in order to break out of unproductive routines. And, finally, you’ve got to be willing to trust that God knows what you need better than you do.
Do you think of interruptions as inconveniences or as opportunities for God to get your attention and redirect your life?
Lord, help me to welcome You when You are trying to get into my boat and redirect my course. The next time I am interrupted, the next time my routine is disturbed, the next time someone inconveniences me, help me to recognize that it might be You trying to get my attention…in order to change my direction. In Jesus’ name, I pray. AMEN.