Read: Luke 24:50–52
Then He led them out as far as Bethany, and, lifting up His hands, He blessed them. Luke 24:50
To be blessed is to experience God’s favor. That was Jesus’ desire for His disciples and for us. Jesus’ last act according to the Gospel of Luke was to confer God’s blessing on His students. This act must have meant much more than just “I wish you well, go in peace.” This wasn’t just a pleasant good-bye until their next meeting. Jesus’ hope was that the disciples would experience the favor and presence and possibility of God as He had experienced it in His own life. At this moment when Jesus’ physical presence would leave the world, His desire for those who followed Him was to know and love God, and to derive deep satisfaction and purpose from that relationship. He raised His hands and spoke words of blessing to His friends so that all that had been His would be theirs.
What would it be like to receive Jesus’ blessing?
Lord, I wish I could go through the day with an image of Your hands raised in my direction offering me encouragement, resolve, and faith. What could I do if I felt Your support and blessing daily in my life? Please speak words of encouragement to me today. In Your name, I pray. AMEN.