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Lenten Adult Quest *cancelled due to weather*
Mar 21, 2018 at 7:00 PM

In his book Falling Upward, Richard Rohr quotes Desmond Tutu who said, “We are only the light bulbs, Richard, and our job is to remain screwed in.”  Tutu was referring to the idea that the lightbulb cannot achieve its purpose, it cannot shine, it cannot bring light into the world, unless it is connected to its power source. On God’s Acre, we want to use Lent as a time to learn how to connect to God and “remain screwed in.”  Therefore, we are offering Lenten Quest for Adults.  Join us each Wednesday night to experience various prayer and meditation forms.  This will be spiritual, relaxing and fun.  There is no experience required, just a willing and adventurous spirit!
2/21     Meditating with Art – Led by Stephanie Joyce and Marianna Kilbride, learn how to use art in order to relax and find that quiet center.

2/28     Lectio Divina – Lectio Divina means “Holy Reading.” Led by Eric Dupee and Marianna Kilbride, learn how to read Scripture meditatively for formation as well as information. 

3/7       Movement Meditation – You will experience the Lord’s Prayer in a whole new way.  Katrina Conde will lead us in praying the Lord’s Prayer using yoga poses.  It will be made accessible for all ability levels.  Wear loose clothes!   

3/14     Meditating with Art II – Led by Stephanie Joyce, participants will be guided to create a simple piece of art and use it as the basis for reflection and meditation.  Materials will be provided and no artistic ability required.

3/21     Love Feast or Agape Meal – We will conclude our Lenten Quest for Adults with a ritual sharing of bread that dates back centuries.