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Clementine’s Playdates

New Session Begins on February 7

Winter/Spring Clementine’s Playdates – Registration is now available! 
Registration for the winter/spring semester of Clementine’s Playdates is now available. Clementine’s Playdates is a caregiver and child programming opportunity for infants through age 3. Children and caregivers will enjoy time for socialization, play, music, and the introduction of early concepts of faith. The semester will run from February 7th through May 2 (no class 2/21 or 4/17; possible snow day make-up on 5/29). Sessions will be offered on Wednesdays from 9:15-10:15am and 10:30-11:30am.
Registration will open to all members of the community on Monday, January 22. Please email with any questions! 

Please consider a 2024 Pledge toward Clementine’s Playdates

If you and your child enjoy Clementine’s Playdates, we ask that you thoughtfully consider making a financial pledge to Clementine’s Playdates to support funding for this special program and others like it. Please consider what you might pay for other classes your child participates in, knowing that all donations of any and every size contribute to the growth and support of offerings like this one. We know that there is a great need for programming for this demographic in our town, and would like to expand what we are able to offer but can only do that if we have financial support. Please donate here , and thank you in advance for your loving support.

Fall Semester Ending, Winter/Spring Semester Enrollment Opening

The “fall semester” for Clementine’s Playgroup will end on Friday, January 27.
  • We will email a link to sign up for the winter/spring semester (running from February 8-June 16) on Friday, January 13 at noon for Church Members. 
  • We will email a link to sign up for the winter/spring semester (running from February 8-June 16) on Friday, January 20 at noon for non-Church Members.
In response to the overwhelming interest in this playgroup, we will offer: 
  • Wednesdays 9:15-10:15am
  • Fridays 9:15-10:15am
  • Fridays 10:30-11:30am

The classes will be capped at 20 children. We will also open and keep track of a waitlist. Based on interest and funds available, we may be able to open a fourth session.

You can address any questions to