“Train up a child in the way they should go; even when they are old they will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
We invite you and your family to join us on an extraordinary journey of spiritual transformation, through our vibrant and engaging children’s programs. Our programs offer a variety of ways for your child to be involved:
Children’s Ministry
Church School is offered while parents enjoy Sunday morning worship. The children learn the same lesson as their parents in a classroom setting which combines Christian education, interactive activities, and worship. Our program serves Pre-K to 7th grade students and we offer nursery care for infants. Children may join the program at any time throughout the year. Click here to register your child today!
Children’s Music and Drama meet weekly and participate in worship at select times throughout the year.
We are excited to welcome you and your family into our flock!
Clementine’s Playdates
- Clementine’s meets on Wednesdays from 9:15-10:15 am in the Parlor.
- Our Fall/Winter program will run from early October through January and our Winter/Spring program will run from February through May. Both semesters will meet for approximately 14 sessions.
- There is a small participation fee for enrollment. Pledging church members will have this fee waived.
- Financial assistance is readily available to those in need of it.
- Click here to register!
We hope you and your little one(s) will join us!
Welcome & thank you for your interest in the Children & Family Ministry Team (CFM)! CFM is a group of volunteers who aid in brainstorming and orchestrating various events hosted each year for the children of our church and their families. Traditions such as our Thanksgiving Service Project, Kick-Off Sunday, Easter Egg Hunt, and our end of year Celebration Sunday would not be possible without the gracious helping hands of our CFM volunteers. Our mission is to foster a community for our youth and their families to grow in relationship with their faith and one another. We welcome volunteers with various skillsets and time commitment and are always looking for fresh faces and ideas to join us! If you are interested in learning more about the Children & Families Ministry Team please do not hesitate to reach out to Lindsey Daly at lindsey@godsacre.org.
Youth Groups
We believe that the way of Christ offers our youth a life that is abundant, flourishing, and everlasting. We believe that life is best nurtured in a community marked by love, covenant, and participation which will equip our youth for a lifetime journey following the way of Christ and characterized by faith, hope, and love.
We offer six youth groups, each meeting on a weekly basis through the school year. Each group strives to live out our Youth Ministries’ Mission: to foster a community in which our youth may experience and share the love of God.