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Boards, Committees, & Ministry Teams

The Congregational Church of New Canaan is entirely self-governed. Church Officers, Deacons, Trustees and members of Standing Committees are elected by the congregation at our Annual Meeting each March.

Church Officers

Clerk: Anne Gunter – 2027
Treasurer: Laura Doscher – 2026
Assistant Treasurer: John Owen – 2026
General Counsel: Tom Hall – 2026

Board of Deacons

A twelve-member Board of Deacons, together with the Senior Minister, leads the spiritual life of the church.

The current Deacons are:
Class of 2025: Dionna Carlson (Chair), Kirk Carr, Tammie Garner, Mike Rodgers
Class of 2026: David Beck, Twee Haffner, Teri Reid, Michael Holland Jr.
Class of 2027: Lauren Baker, Dawn Doak, Trey Laird, Carol Bayne

Board of Trustees

Business affairs are managed by a twelve-member Board of Trustees.

The current Trustees are:
Class of 2025: Stephanie Douglas-Parkin, Colin Smith, Michael Sotirhos, Linda Williams
Class of 2026: Amy Werner (Chair), Homer Parkhill, Dirk Dunlap, David Carlson
Class of 2027: Krista Murphy, Joel Armijo, Amy Sheffield, Chris McClave

Other Committees and Ministry Teams

Standing Committees include: Nominating and Governance, Leadership, Investment, Personnel, and Missions and Social Action.

Nominating and Governance Committee Members

Class of 2025: Debbie Raymond
Class of 2026: Peter Wilson (Chair), Anne Emson
Class of 2027: Steve Antonson, Laurel Carr

Leadership Committee Members

Senior Minister: Rev. Stephen Chapin Garner
Trustees: Amy Werner
Deacons: Dionna Carlson
Nominating & Governance: Peter Wilson
Personnel: Lonnie deMarco
Director of Operation: Caroline Leather-Smittle
Director of Spiritual Formation: Marianna Kilbride

Investment Committee

Class of 2025: Derrek Metz
Class of 2027: James Thomas (Chair), Bill Kennedy

Personnel Committee Members

Class of 2026:Dede Beck, Lonnie deMarco (chair), Amy Werner
Class of 2027: Julia Bognon

Missions and Social Action Committee Members

Class of 2025: Kathleen Abbott, Maria Hemmings, Janis Hennessey
Class of 2026: Brian Werner (chair), Lindsay Tucker, Karen Wilson
Class of 2027: Martial Pabon, Sindi Rusiecki, Starling Cousley

Ministry Teams and other Small Groups

Ministry Teams, made up of Church member volunteers, support our ministers and program staff as needed. Members are encouraged to seek out and join the team or teams that are most relevant to them and their own spiritual journey. They may move in and out of teams as their time and interests dictate. Click here to view a list of our ministry teams; choose “serve” under “group type” and click Search.

Ministry Teams and other Small Groups

Buildings & Grounds, Caroline Leather-Smittle
Card Ministry, Stephanie Radman
Children & Family Ministries, Lindsey Daly
Children’s Music and Drama, Greer Lyle
Fellowship (Adult – Men’s and Women’s), Laurel Carr
Flower Ministry Team, Juliet Howe
Maasai, Marianna Kilbride
Men’s Small Groups, Steve Case
Middle School Ministries, Jem St. Jean
Missions & Outreach Steering Team (MOST), Marianna Kilbride
Music, Michael Burnette
Pastoral Care Leadership Team, Rev. Dr. Stephen Chapin Garner
Pastoral Ministries, Rev. Dr. Stephen Chapin Garner
Prayer Chain, Beth Baker
Prayer Shawl Ministry, Twee Haffner
Stephen Ministries, Beth Baker
Welcoming/New Members, Anna Rogers
Women’s Fellowship, Lesley Cousley
Women’s Small Groups, Marianna Kilbride
Youth Group, Katrina Parkhill

Interested in Joining a Team?

To learn more about our various ministry teams, please contact Laurel Carr  or feel free to call the Church Office at (203) 966-2651.

Stewardship Season is Underway