Read: Matthew 15:29–31

The crowd was amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the maimed whole, the lame walking, and the blind seeing. And they praised the God of Israel. Matthew 15:31 

Jesus performed amazing signs and wonders in the world, and people gave the praise for those acts to God. Today when we see wondrous deeds accomplished in the world, we often praise the person doing them—we give them an award, we recognize them in some official way, or we put them on TV. When we accomplish something ourselves, we want the credit for it, and if we don’t get the recognition we feel we deserve, we claim we have been disrespected. Jesus didn’t clamor for respect and recognition. Jesus worked so that people praised God.

Do you work for your glory or for God’s?

Lord, I know my priorities are skewed. I work to get ahead. I work to get noticed. I work to make a name for myself. Can it be any surprise that at the end of the day I feel empty and anxious? What if I worked for You? What if I worked so that You get noticed and Your name is glorified? Would that allow me to feel more fulfilled and less stressed? I suspect so. Help me to get my priorities in line . . . in line with You. In Jesusname, I pray. AMEN.