Read: Matthew 14:22–33
So Peter got out of the boat, started walking on the water, and came toward Jesus. Matthew 14:29
We often think first about Peter’s failure in this story. Peter got out on the water, and the wind and the waves so rattled his resolve that he began to sink and he needed Jesus to save him. If Peter had more faith, perhaps he wouldn’t have needed a helping hand! What we often forget about are the other eleven disciples huddled in their little boat, unwilling to approach Jesus. Peter may have started to sink into the water, but the other disciples were not even willing to get out of the boat!
It has been said that if you want to walk on water, you need to be willing to get out of the boat. Peter certainly failed to make it all the way toward Jesus, but by taking a risk and stepping out onto the water he had an encounter with Jesus that affected the rest of his life. After reading this story, why would we assume that being saved by Jesus is a bad thing? It may just be the most important experience in the world! Walking on water would be a great achievement to be sure, but getting saved by Jesus is an even greater blessing.
Are you willing to step out in faith in order to step toward Jesus?
Dear Lord, I fear failure. I fear taking risks that have the potential to sink me. I prefer the safety of the boat I am in. So I never get out into the wind and the waves, I never move beyond my familiar environment, and I never throw caution to the wind in pursuit of You. Is it any wonder I don’t get caught up in You? Help me to step out of the boat and into the waves so that I can find myself finally and securely in Your hands. In Your name, I pray. AMEN.