Read: Luke 10:25–37
But a Samaritan while traveling came near Him; and when He saw him, He was moved with pity. Luke 10:33
The hero of this story is a traveling Samaritan. Samaritans were not people held in high regard by Jesus’ listening audience. Hebrew priests and Levites were the people who were granted honor and respect. However, in this familiar story, we are told that the professionally religious people could not be bothered to help someone in need.
Even today most ministry is done not by professional clergy but by lay people as they engage in their daily living. A traveling businessman offers to buy lunch for someone he meets who is in need of food. A doctor takes a few extra minutes to hear about the relational heartache one of her patients is experiencing. A teacher decides to mentor a student who is struggling with challenges at home. Ministry requires a whole host of good Samaritans.
What is your ministry?
Lord, we fail so often in life. We fail in compassion. We fail in recognition of need. We fail in our commitment to serve others. Create in us a Samaritan spirit so that no matter where we are or when we see a need, we can be moved by pity and offer assistance. In Your name, I pray. AMEN.